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Verotec USA

Verotec Inc
473 Washington Ave, Unit E
North Haven, CT 06473
Ph 203-745-3537
Fax 475-224-5904

December 08, 2020
Eurotec caseframes are Verotec’s elegant solution for easy Eurocard PCB housing

August 19, 2020
Verotec’s versatile EMC and standard 19” rack cases

June 28, 2020
Verotec helps keep nuclear power station running safely |

June 10, 2020
Verotec now provides fully configured and tested hardware for 7th Sense’s Juggler pixel processing system |

March 10, 2020
Verotec makes third round investment of a further $700k to increase capacity and improve capability and service

January 16, 2020
Verotec is at the heart of Sun Harvester’s Zhyphen off-grid solar power and storage system

August 30, 2019
Verotec’s in-house panel printing capability used in fire detection system |

July 25, 2019 Verotec helps keep North Sea oil platform safe |

April 25, 2019
Verotec KM6-HD rugged subrack conforms to MIL STD 167

March 13, 2019
Verotec keeps all the balls in the air for 7thSense’s new Juggler pixel processor

November 28, 2018
Verotec supplies a turnkey enclosure for TgK Scientific’s InsightXpress for NMR monitoring

October 09, 2018
Verotec USA
RackCase PRO keeps things moving for Faraday Motion Controls

July 23, 2018
Verotec helps ESS Sweden prepare for scientific breakthroughs

June 21, 2018
The KM6 family is the ideal card cage for any application

April 16, 2018
Verotec and mass spectrometry is a great match

February 15, 2018
Verotec’s IMRAKs are the cabinet of choice for Arqiva

January 08, 2018
Verotec helps keep the global network infrastructure expanding

November 27, 2017
VMEbus is alive and well

October 31, 2017
Verotec supports McLaren Applied Technologies’ drive into other industries

September 14, 2017
Verotec provides the critical infrastructure for the DLS Xspress4 development project

August 15, 2017
Shock and vibration tested EMC 3U card cages for rail applications

July 31, 2017
Verotec invests a further $250k to support international sales growth

July 12, 2017
Ultra low noise pluggable PSUs

June 29, 2017
Verotec chosen by Lockheed Martin for its Multi Scout SV project

April 24, 2017
Extended range of card cage front panels and modules

January 11, 2017
Versatile heavy duty EMC RackCase PRO

October 18, 2016
Si Elegans, the base for a potential major step forward in computational architecture

July 11, 2016
Verotec moves its facility again as business continues to expand

May 31, 2016
Verotec’s application-specific aerospace VMEbus chassis

March 14, 2016
Keeping cool offshore in the Middle East

January 20, 2016
Verotec enhances its digital printing capability

November 25, 2015
Advanced manufacturing capability from Verotec

October 15, 2015
VPX user-definable power and ground development system for Open VPX military applications

August 25, 2015
Verotec contributes to THAAD systems

July 16, 2015
Verotec’s really cool modified intelligent fan tray

June 23, 2015
Verotec’s VMEbus systems for marine application sail through 25g shock test

February 25, 2015
Major international contract win by Verotec for modified products

January 15, 2015
Custom Veroshield 19-inch rack case helps the BBC improve codec

November 17, 2014
Verotec custom enclosures help keep the London Underground running

October 15, 2014
Verotec helps improve aviation safety and wind farm efficiency

September 23, 2014
Custom 19-inch fan tray for demanding military application

July 24, 2014
Verotec’s major investment in CAM extends modification capability and speeds production

June 24, 2014
New slimline 650W cPCI pluggable PSU

June 04, 2014
Verotec’s heavy duty KM6-HD subrack independently tested to MIL-STD-167

February 10, 2014
Custom cPCI backplane capability takes off

December 09, 2013
Verotec publishes its 300+ page 2014 handbook

August 27, 2013
Eurocard-based KM6 subrack systems

July 25, 2013
Verotec strengthens design
team to support its enhanced TecServ+ service

June 24, 2013
Highly configurable
Eurocard rackcases save U height

May 20, 2013
Autoranging input
VeroPower switched mode PSUs are extremely versatile

April 23, 2013
KM6-HD heavy-duty subracks
are optimised for major bus structures

March 06, 2013
The updated Verotec
instrument case is better than ever

November 26, 2012
Extended range of
subrack front panel sizes and types

September 24, 2012
Versatile LBX and TAC
desktop cases

August 28, 2012
Slimline high power
density 3U 4HP pluggable PSUs

July 26, 2012
Commsrak wall mount
and Labrak360 floor-standing open frame 19-inch racks

June 25, 2012
Updated intelligent and
standard 19 inch 1U slimline fan trays

May 29, 2012
1, 2 and 3U cPCI and VME64x
19" rack mounting chassis

April 25, 2012
Wall mounted space-saving
slimline 2.5U 19" enclosure

February 22, 2012
Eleven new integrated
development systems

January 18, 2012
Versatile KM6 subrack
family for all applications

November 29, 2011
Entry level VPX development

October 10, 2011
Pluggable PSUs optimised
for cPCI systems
September 12, 2011
Verotec opens French
facility as international expansion gathers pace

August 16, 2011
Standard, enhanced, modified
and custom subrack plug-in units

June 23, 2011
Verotec doubles
production space as export-driven growth surges

May 16, 2011
injector/ejector KM6-RF front panel assemblies

April 12, 2011
EMC screened 19" rack

March 14, 2011
Diplomat 19" desktop and
caseframe enclosures

January 27, 2011
Heavy duty 19" subrack for
high shock and vibration applications

October 20, 2010
2U cPCI and
VME64x rack mount or desktop integrated chassis

September 20, 2010
VeroPower 19" subrack
pluggable power supplies

August 18, 2010
Open architecture
backplanes, extenders and custom designs

June 03, 2010
Standard and custom capability
for faceplates and front panels

March 17, 2010
Versatile Eurotec

February 04, 2010
Verotec's new three
hundred page handbook is now available

January 19, 2010
Configurable modular
integrated systems for cPCI, PXI, VMEbus, VME64X and VPX

October 14, 2009
Elegant desktop enclosures
in 10.5" and 19" widths

September 14, 2009
Standard, filtered,
intelligent and monitored 19" 1U fan trays

August 11, 2009
The KM6 subrack family is
suitable for all applications

June 22, 2009
Extended range of 19"
modular general purpose and EMC rack cases

April 24, 2009
1U cPCI/VME64x 19" low
cost chassis

February 27, 2009
Versatile and stylish desktop
enclosure for standard Eurocards

November 27, 2008
Versatile KM6
caseframe revitalised and updated

July 14, 2008
1U 19" standard, filtered
and intelligent fan trays

April 04, 2008
Diplomat 19" desktop and
caseframe enclosures

June 13, 2007
acquires the desktop enclosures business from APW in